Internet History and basics




#1. What does HTTP stand for?

#2. Which protocol is used for secure communication over a computer network?

#3. What is the primary purpose of DNS (Domain Name System)?

#4. Which of the following is a top-level domain (TLD)?

#5. What does the acronym URL stand for?

#6. Which Internet service allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible on the World Wide Web?

#7. What is the purpose of an IP address?

#8. Which of the following is a common method of securing online communication by encrypting data between a user's browser and a website?

#9. What is the purpose of a cookie in the context of web browsing?

#10. Which Internet protocol is used for sending emails?

#11. What does IoT stand for in the context of the Internet?

#12. Which of the following is a commonly used web browser?

#13. What is the purpose of a firewall in the context of computer networks?

#14. Which Internet protocol is responsible for translating human-readable domain names into numerical IP addresses?

#15. What does the acronym HTML stand for?

#16. Which of the following is NOT a commonly used type of Internet connection?

#17. What is the purpose of a search engine on the Internet?

#18. Which Internet service allows users to retrieve and view web pages?

#19. What is the purpose of the protocol SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)?

#20. What does the acronym VPN stand for?

#21. Which organization is responsible for assigning and managing IP addresses globally?

#22. What is the purpose of a proxy server in the context of the Internet?

#23. Which Internet service is commonly used for real-time communication through text messages?

#24. What does the term "bandwidth" refer to in the context of Internet connections?

#25. Which of the following is a common method of authenticating users on websites?

#26. What is the purpose of the protocol DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)?

#27. Which of the following is NOT a valid file transfer protocol used on the Internet?

#28. What is the primary function of a router in a computer network?

#29. What is the purpose of the protocol POP (Post Office Protocol)? Opposite is IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

#30. Which of the following is a security measure to protect against unauthorized access by encrypting data transmission?

#31. When was the concept of the ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, first proposed by the United States Department of Defense?

#32. In which year was the first successful message sent over the ARPANET, connecting computers at UCLA and Stanford Research Institute?

#33. The term "internet" is derived from the words:

#34. The protocol used for transferring files over the internet is:

#35. The World Wide Web (WWW) was invented by:

#36. The first graphical web browser, Mosaic, was developed in the early:

#37. The organization responsible for assigning domain names and IP addresses is:

#38. The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is primarily due to:

#39. The concept of e-commerce, buying and selling goods over the internet, gained popularity in the:

#40. The first popular web search engine, launched in 1994, was:

#41. The concept of social networking on the internet became widespread with the launch of:

#42. The term "blog" is a contraction of:

#43. The technology that enables the creation and exchange of digital currencies like Bitcoin is known as:

#44. The first widely used web browser, released in 1993, was:

#45. The concept of cloud computing involves:

#46. The concept of net neutrality is related to:

#47. The first email system allowing users to send messages across different computers was developed at:

#48. The concept of Wi-Fi, allowing wireless internet connectivity, was standardized under the name:

#49. The development of the internet as a global network was significantly accelerated by the introduction of:

#50. The concept of the "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to:

#51. The first social media platform, launched in 1997, was:

#52. The concept of a web browser cookie is used for:

#53. The concept of online streaming of video content became popular with the launch of:

#54. The organization that played a crucial role in the development of the internet, including the creation of the ARPANET, is:

#55. The concept of a firewall is used for:

#56. The concept of the dark web refers to:

#57. The concept of a podcast involves:

#58. The first message sent over the ARPANET was between computers at:

#59. The concept of geolocation on the internet involves:

#60. The process of converting a domain name into its corresponding IP address is known as:

#61. The internet protocol that allows devices on the same local network to obtain an IP address automatically is:

#62. Which of the following is not a top-level domain (TLD)?

#63. The internet browser developed by Mozilla is:

#64. Which of the following is a valid IP address format?

#65. The concept of "cookies" in web browsers is primarily used for:

#66. The internet protocol responsible for email communication is:

#67. The concept of a "firewall" in the context of computer networks is used for:

#68. The standard port number for HTTP traffic is:

#69. Which internet service allows files to be transferred between computers over the internet?

#70. The protocol used for secure file transfer is:

#71. The internet protocol used for real-time communication and video conferencing is:

#72. The concept of "phishing" in internet security refers to:

#73. The file format commonly used for web graphics with support for transparency is:

#74. The internet standard that defines how email messages are formatted and transmitted is:

#75. The concept of "bandwidth" (maximum data transfer rate of a network connection) in internet terms refers to:

#76. The web protocol that allows for the secure transfer of hypertext content is denoted by:

#77. The technology that enables a web page to dynamically update without requiring a full page reload is known as:

#78. The internet standard for encrypting data transmission over a network is:

#79. The term "IPV6" refers to the:

#80. The concept of "cloud computing" involves:

#81. The internet technology that allows web browsers to request and display content without reloading the entire page is known as:

#82. The programming language commonly used for creating dynamic web pages is:

#83. The technology that enables secure communication between a web browser and a server is:

#84. The internet standard that defines the rules for transferring files between computers is:
