



#1. What term is used to describe software designed to harm or exploit computer systems?

#2. 2. Which type of malware is designed to spread rapidly across a network by exploiting vulnerabilities?

#3. 3. A piece of malware that disguises itself as legitimate software but performs malicious actions is known as a:

#4. 4. What is the primary purpose of adware?

#5. 5. Which type of malware is specifically designed to capture and transmit a user's keystrokes?

#6. 6. What is the main characteristic of ransomware?

#7. 7. A program that appears harmless but contains malicious code that can be activated at a later time is known as a:

#8. 8. Which type of malware encrypts a user's files and demands payment for their release?

#9. 9. What is a rootkit?

#10. 10. The process of disguising the true nature of malicious code is known as:

#11. 11. A type of malware that changes its characteristics over time to avoid detection is called:

#12. 12. What is the purpose of a botnet?

#13. 13. Which type of malware is specifically designed to spread from one computer to another through removable media?

#14. 14. What is a dropper in the context of malware?

#15. 15. A type of malware that modifies its code to avoid detection by antivirus programs is known as:

#16. 16. What is the primary purpose of a logic bomb?

#17. 17. What is a signature-based detection method used by antivirus software?

#18. 18. Which of the following is NOT a common method of malware propagation?

#19. 19. What is the purpose of sandboxing in the context of malware detection?

#20. 20. A malicious program that changes its appearance or behavior to evade detection by antivirus software is known as:

#21. 21. What is the main objective of a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack?

#22. 22. A type of malware that mimics the behavior of a legitimate program while performing malicious actions is called a:

#23. 23. Which of the following is a common method of social engineering used by malware creators?

#24. 24. What is a honeypot in the context of cybersecurity?

#25. 25. The process of reverting a system to a previous state to remove malware infections is known as:

#26. 26. Which type of malware is designed to modify its own code to avoid detection by antivirus programs?

#27. 27. A type of malware that relies on human interaction to spread, often through deceptive emails, is known as:

#28. 28. What is a drive-by download in the context of malware?

#29. 29. The process of analyzing and reverse engineering malware to understand its functionality and behavior is known as:

#30. 30. A type of malware that mimics legitimate software updates to deceive users is known as:
