ADV-UNIT-5-TOPIC-Number System




#1. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 1101?

#2. Convert the octal number 32 to binary.

#3. The hexadecimal number 1A is equivalent to which decimal number?

#4. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 25?

#5. Convert the decimal number 42 to octal.

#6. The binary number 101011 is equivalent to which hexadecimal number?

#7. What is the octal representation of the binary number 110110?

#8. Convert the decimal number 89 to binary.

#9. The octal number 73 is equivalent to which decimal number?

#10. What is the hexadecimal representation of the binary number 1101101?

#11. Convert the decimal number 120 to octal.

#12. The binary number 111001 is equivalent to which hexadecimal number?

#13. What is the octal representation of the binary number 10110101?

#14. Convert the decimal number 55 to binary.

#15. The hexadecimal number 2F is equivalent to which decimal number?

#16. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 63?

#17. Convert the octal number 76 to binary.

#18. The binary number 101010 is equivalent to which hexadecimal number?

#19. What is the octal representation of the binary number 11001011?

#20. Convert the decimal number 95 to hexadecimal.

#21. The hexadecimal number 3D is equivalent to which decimal number?

#22. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 79?

#23. Convert the octal number 123 to binary.

#24. The binary number 1111001 is equivalent to which hexadecimal number?

#25. What is the octal representation of the binary number 11011110?

#26. Convert the decimal number 115 to binary.

#27. The hexadecimal number 4A is equivalent to which decimal number?

#28. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 101?

#29. Convert the octal number 45 to binary.

#30. The binary number 11011011 is equivalent to which hexadecimal number?
