Classification of Markets


#1. Which market structure often has high barriers to entry?

#2. Cartels are most likely to be found in:

#3. Monopolistic competition is characterized by:

#4. Which of the following is a characteristic of monopolistic competition?

#5. A market structure with many buyers and sellers, identical products, and no barriers to entry is known as:

#6. The demand curve facing a perfectly competitive firm is:

#7. Oligopoly is characterized by:

#8. In a perfectly competitive market, firms are:

#9. Collusion is most likely to occur in:

#10. Which of the following market structures is characterized by a single seller?

#11. Which market structure has the least control over price?

#12. In a perfectly competitive market, economic profits in the long run are:

#13. Which market structure often leads to allocative inefficiency?

#14. Which market structure is most conducive to product innovation?

#15. In economic theory, markets can be classified based on:


