WordPress Design, Basics


#1. Which of these features in WordPress is not a default one?

#2. What is the current version of WordPress (Feb 2022)?

#3. Which relational database does WordPress use?

#4. In WordPress, what is the user role with the highest privilege level?

#5. When was WordPress released?

#6. Which of the following is not a WordPress hosting service?

#7. Where can you find permalink settings in WordPress?

#8. Which of these is not seen on the WordPress dashboard?

#9. In which programming language WordPress is written

#10. What is Gravatar

#11. What is WordPress primarily used for?

#12. What is the purpose of the WordPress dashboard?

#13. The Quick draft section in WordPress is used for

#14. WordPress is a

#15. You can change your WordPress themes using

#16. Which WordPress type can be installed on a user's computer?

#17. What is the default post Category for WordPress?

#18. Which of the following is a popular WordPress page builder plugin?

#19. What is the Gutenberg editor in WordPress?

#20. What is a widget in WordPress?


