
#1. Who is known for defining macroeconomics as the study of the economy as a whole, including factors like inflation, unemployment, and economic growth?

#2. Gross National Product (GNP) includes:

#3. Which of the following is an example of a transfer payment that is not included in GDP calculations?

#4. If the price of a good falls and the quantity consumed increases, what is happening to the consumer's marginal utility and marginal cost?

#5. A characteristic of monopolistic competition is:

#6. In economics, luxury cars, high-end fashion, and fine dining are often classified as:

#7. Which market structure typically results in the highest level of consumer choice and the lowest prices?

#8. Which of the following is a microeconomic concept?

#9. What is the profit-maximizing level of output for a firm in perfect competition?

#10. What is a supply curve?

#11. If the cross-price elasticity of demand for two goods is positive, it indicates that these goods are:

#12. What is disposable income?

#13. If the supply of a good is perfectly elastic, what does it mean?

#14. What is the formula for calculating GDP using the expenditure approach?

#15. What is Net Domestic Product (NDP)?

#16. The study of fiscal policy, monetary policy, and international trade policy is part of:

#17. National income accounting measures the value of:

#18. When a percentage change in price leads to more than percentage change in quantity demand is called _____:

#19. The income elasticity of demand measures:

#20. If the price elasticity of supply is less than 1, the supply is considered:

#21. Which of the following is NOT included in the calculation of GDP?

#22. Which of the following is a component of GNP?

#23. Who formulated the Law of Demand, which states that all else being equal, as the price of a good or service decreases, the quantity demanded increases, and vice versa?

#24. Which market structure is characterized by a single seller with significant control over price and product?

#25. In the expenditure approach to calculating GDP, which component represents spending by businesses on capital goods like machinery and equipment?

#26. Which of the following is a limitation of GDP as a measure of economic well-being?

#27. If a good is considered a superior good, what happens to its demand when consumer incomes increase?

#28. Which of the following topics is typically studied in microeconomics?

#29. If firms in a perfectly competitive market are earning economic profits in the long run, what will happen to the price in the industry?

#30. What does the price elasticity of supply measure?

#31. In the calculation of GDP using the expenditure approach, what does "X - M" represent?

#32. Real GDP is:

#33. Who developed the concept of "perfect competition"?

#34. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of perfect competition?

#35. Which of the following is a key feature of the income approach to measuring GDP?

#36. Which of the following represents the total income earned by all factors of production in an economy?

#37. If the price elasticity of supply is greater than 1, the supply is considered:

#38. If a consumer continues to consume a good even when the marginal utility is zero, what can be inferred?

#39. What is elasticity of demand?

#40. What does GNP stand for?

#41. The study of consumer choices, utility maximization, and individual demand falls under the domain of:

#42. If the price elasticity of supply is equal to 1, the supply is considered:

#43. In perfect competition, what type of information is available to both buyers and sellers?

#44. The law of supply states that, all else being equal:

#45. Macroeconomics focuses on studying:

#46. Which type of relationship exists between the prices of complementary goods and their demand?

#47. What does microeconomics study?

#48. In the long run, a perfectly competitive firm will earn:

#49. If a country's GDP grows by 3% from one year to the next, which of the following statements is true?

#50. What is the primary goal of calculating GNP?


