Imports & Exports, Balance of Payments


#1. What is a trade deficit?

#2. What is the role of a customs duty in international trade?

#3. 6. What is the primary purpose of trade agreements?

#4. What is the significance of a trade surplus for a country?

#5. What does the term "Imports" refer to in commerce?

#6. The Official Reserve Account includes transactions related to:

#7. Which organization facilitates negotiations and dispute resolution in international trade?

#8. What does the Financial Account in the Balance of Payments track?

#9. The balance of trade is calculated as:

#10. What is the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in trade?

#11. The term "Balance of Payments" includes:

#12. A deficit in the Current Account can be offset by a surplus in the:

#13. Which of the following accounts is a part of the Current Account in the Balance of Payments?

#14. Which factor is NOT a reason for a country to engage in international trade?

#15. Which of the following is an example of an import barrier?

#16. How does an increase in foreign exchange reserves impact the Balance of Payments?

#17. What is the purpose of a trade embargo?

#18. A trade surplus occurs when:

#19. The Capital Account in the Balance of Payments includes transactions related to:

#20. The term "Dumping" in trade refers to:


